2D Animation short film by students of Creative Multimedia Academy
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Fuel Duel - Animated short film wins national level Awards
The Story

Life on earth (as in real) begins with blooming flora and the arrival of the homosapien. Over time, the homosapien progressively evolves into an ape-man and a civilized human being who initially uses a domesticated horse to travel.

Empowered by human invention, he arrogantly ditches the horse for a motorized, fuel-powered two-wheeler for faster travel. He soon graduates to 4-wheel, multi wheel (read train) and air travel. These vehicles are all fuel-intensive and quickly deplete the earth’s fuel reserves. With fuel reserves on earth completely exhausted, life is back to square one as man helplessly reverts to the horse for travel.

Unfortunately, the horse doesn’t play game and refuses to be his vehicle. Apart from the core message of environment conservation, the students have managed to layer the storyline with another important moral in life, which is – “Be nice to people on your way up. You may meet them on your way down”.
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An award-winning animation short film Best Animation Training Centre